Health Department
School Based Health Center
Baker County Health Department currently provides health care services at the School-Based Health Center (SBHC) located inside Baker High School. The SBHC is available to provide health care related services to all school-aged students in Baker County (K-12).

We are open each day school is in session - Monday through Thursday.
We provide the following Services:
Immunizations. We have all of the vaccines on hand that school aged children would commonly receive including HPV, Meningococcal, Tetanus (Tdap), Hep A, and seasonal Flu.
Comprehensive Physical Exams. Health care providers and SBHC Certification Requirements strongly recommend that adolescents receive a physical exam every year. This includes a brief eye exam, body mass index calculation, a review of body systems, and a health assessment that explores nutrition, physical activity, emotional well-being, safety, and social topics.
Sports Physicals. A Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant will complete the OSAA Physical Examination form required to compete in Oregon High School and Middle School athletic activities. We do not bill insurance for sports physicals. There is a $20 fee at the time of service. Don't wait for the day before practice to schedule an appointment!
Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health. Adolescents have questions. We provide a safe environment for students to ask those questions. Our health care providers also give classroom presentations on health topics when requested by teachers.
Mental Health. A Qualified Mental Health Professional is on staff Monday through Thursday during school hours. The counselor deals with such topics as depression, anxiety, bullying, suicide, and substance abuse.
Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury. We see students with athletic or P.E. injuries or if you just plain aren't feeling well. Walk-in appointments are available and we also schedule appointments.
SURVEY: Students between the ages of 12 and 19 who visit the SBHC may be asked to complete an anonymous survey after their visit. The survey asks about the student's satisfaction and experience at the SBHC, as well as some general questions about their physical and mental health status. Students can refuse to take the survey and this will not affect their ability to get care at the SBHC. To see a copy of the survey, please go to the "SBHC Data Requirements link on If you have questions about the survey, please contact the SBHC State Program Office at
2200 4th Street
Baker City, OR 97814
Phone: (541) 523-8211
Fax: (541) 523-8242
TTY: 1-800-735-2900
Baker County Health Department (BCHD) is available to all, that no individual is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or subject to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion, culture and/or financial status.